Autonomous technologies are key to any aerospace management strategy and AOS Group has long been involved in developing systems that assist radar detection and monitoring services.
Autonomous Surveillance
Critical systems like aerospace defence and monitoring often need tailored solutions, and AOS has a history of developing autonomous technologies.
Intelligent agents are capable of monitoring radar detection systems for identifying and tracking potential issues, and provide greater real-time information to human decision-makers.

Aerospace Products
Our AOS products help radar detection and aerospace monitoring systems operate efficiently by using autonomy where applicable, processing tasks faster than human operators and freeing them up for decision-making and hands-on tasks.
We can also integrate intelligent agents into existing platforms, helping you manage incident prevention systems, and assist in controlling incidents when they do occur.
Intelligent Battle Advisor (IBA™) analyses vast amounts of air, land, sea, space, cyber and ESM data, alerting operations of any unusual behaviour.
iWatchdog™ is capable of autonomously monitoring a variety of sensors including radar for intrusion detection and response coordination.
Contact us
Get in contact with us to discuss how our autonomous software and intelligent agents can be used to help your organisation.