Developing A Person-Following Mobile Robot Using Prometheus And JACK®
The development of a mobile person-following robot is an interesting application area that combines multiple autonomous agents that need to be goal-directed without losing the ability to react to the target’s movements. This capability is particularly challenging for robotic systems, and so requires careful design to obtain an effective decomposition of functions into agents.
Agent Based Impact Analysis Of An Air Traffic Management System
Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems are examples of complex, dynamic systems. The current ATM climate, with current large scale redevelopments, provides a system that would benefit from an understanding of the relationships and interdependencies which it comprises.
Agent Technology
AOS supplies agent technology for building and integrating commercial-grade multi-agent systems, built on a sound logical foundation.
Autonomous Systems
Autonomous systems differ from automatic ones in that they make rational decisions based on knowledge of the current situation. An autonomous system evaluates the courses of action that could be taken in light of current circumstances.