14 – 16th November 2023
National Convention Centre Canberra
(31 Constitution Avenue, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia)
AOS has partnered with Asension to present at MilCIS for the first time.
We will be presenting our approach to distributed EW capability (HECULES EW™), consisting of multiple small autonomous ground vehicles (Kelpie ® ) and small UAVs, working together as a team. Each mounts a small, low-cost EW transceiver (Wombat), to provide a highly effective, distributed EW capability.
Don’t miss out on seeing our Kelpie ® on display in the Expo foyer, demonstrating its sensing capabilities.
Visit us at stand F16 to learn more about the products and services we can offer.
Dr Andrew Lucas will also be presenting the HERCULES EW™ on Tuesday, 14th November 2023, between 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM. For more information, please visit the website https://consec.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/milcis-2023/milcis-23-program/Agenda/AgendaItemDetail?id=3fc4a539-4265-4b9c-b5f5-2450b3492fd3.